Welcome to SauriPedia
The server have just been updated with a Let's Encrypt issued certificate! Communication encryption and automatic identity verification should work out of the box without installing the, below mentioned, self maintained Certification Authority. If this is not the case feel free to report the issue.
However some part of this site still use a self made Certification Authority. These parts are mostly internal utility and are not supposed to be used for daily browsing. Should this happen if you want not be bothered by the browser, doing just its work right warning you, you can install my public Certificate inside the browser, and giving it trust to authenticate web servers / web pages. You can download the certificate clicking this link. If you don't trust me enough…. well just add a permanent exception.
SHA1 fingerprint for the CA certificate | 54:04:FD:5E:52:A7:D9:2C:0B:B7:87:E7:91:31:65:B5:38:EA:F1:70 |
MD1 fingerprint for the CA certificate | 55:DE:B8:3B:F3:E6:8A:A0:DC:B1:D0:CA:93:FF:DB:38 |
SHA1 fingerprint for the webside certificate | 39:83:AB:5F:61:8D:4F:9A:94:4E:AF:71:9E:BB:2C:B1:DB:08:6A:E0 |
MD5 fingerprint for the webside certificate | 55:EA:C2:BC:57:BC:6F:8A:E2:E2:B2:98:29:D3:44:2B |